How Sunscreen Became Controversial

Wearing sunscreen every day sounds like a no-brainer piece of health advice. Research suggests regular sunscreen use reduces the risk of potentially deadly skin cancers like melanoma, as well as visible signs of skin aging. The American Academy of Dermatology states its position in no uncertain terms: Everyone should wear sunscreen every day they’ll be … Read more

Need a Break Now? Try Treating Your Weekend Like a Vacation

Going on vacation every week might sound like the (very unattainable) dream. But a simple mindset shift makes it possible—no travel involved. All you need to do is get in the habit of treating your weekend like a vacation, suggests Cassie Mogilner Holmes, a professor at UCLA’s Anderson School of Management and author of Happier … Read more

What It Really Means to Have Intrusive Thoughts

On average, people have about 6,200 thoughts each day. Inevitably, some will be unwanted, alarming, or just plain strange. You know the kind: You’re driving down the freeway and suddenly visualize yanking the steering wheel to the left and careening into a ravine. Or you’re admiring the crashing waves beneath you—and, out of the blue, … Read more