Surprise-Billing Law Loophole: When ‘Out of Network’ Doesn’t Quite Mean Out of Network

It was the first day of her family’s vacation in the San Juan Islands last June when Danielle Laskey, who was 26 weeks pregnant, thought she was leaking amniotic fluid. A registered nurse, Laskey called her OB-GYN back home in Seattle, who said to seek immediate care. Staff members at a nearby emergency department found … Read more

Ante vacío federal, estados promueven leyes duras contra el uso de sustancias tóxicas en cosméticos

Washington se unió a más de una docena de estados en tomar medidas enérgicas contra las sustancias tóxicas en cosméticos después que un estudio financiado por el estado encontró plomo, arsénico y formaldehído en productos para maquillaje y alisado del cabello fabricados por CoverGirl y otras marcas. Estados Unidos se estancó en las regulaciones químicas … Read more

States Seek Crackdown on Toxic Ingredients in Cosmetics to Close Gaps in Federal Oversight

Washington has joined more than a dozen other states in seeking to crack down on toxic substances in cosmetics after a state-funded study there found lead, arsenic, and formaldehyde in makeup, lotion, and hair-straightening products made by CoverGirl and other brands. The U.S. stalled out on chemical regulations after the 1970s, according to Bhavna Shamasunder, … Read more

Why Two States Remain Holdouts on Distracted Driving Laws

Max Herrick pulled over on the interstate near Harrisonville, Missouri, on a spring night in 2020 to offer antifreeze to a woman whose car had overheated. He had lost a grandson to an overdose just hours before, but aiding stranded motorists was second nature to the 73-year-old retired school custodian, who remembered thousands of students’ … Read more