I’m a Personal Trainer. This Is the Best 4-Week Weight-Loss Workout Plan

When most people start a weight-loss journey, they think they need to do cardio ad nauseam—start running and hit the elliptical. Others go the extreme and jump into absurd workout programs requiring tons of specialized equipment or instruction, only to give up weeks later because it’s not sustainable Don’t get us wrong, cardio and lifting weights are … Read more

50 Best Back Exercises to Build the Coveted V-Taper

While show muscles like abs, pecs, and biceps may hog the spotlight, your back comprises some of the most important muscles in the body for structural support. The best back exercises help stabilize your spine and neck, improve posture, create muscular balance, reinforce your body against injury, and boost core strength for functional fitness. Targeted back workouts … Read more

Knees Over Toes Program: Best Exercises to Eliminate Knee Pain

Whether squatting or lunging, athletes are told ad nauseam never to let their knees go over toes under the assumption it added undue pressure to the joints. But as Ben Patrick, founder of Athletic Truth Group, came to find, that very pressure bolsters the knees, increasing strength for joint protection and longevity. Training that emphasizes … Read more