Este dispositivo dental debía arreglar las mandíbulas de los pacientes. Las demandas afirman que les destrozó los dientes

Boja Kragulj, una clarinetista consumada que ha tocado con orquestas en Nueva York, Philadelphia y Jacksonville, Florida, ya ha perdido cuatro dientes. Y espera perder al menos una docena más. Hace cinco años, con el fin de corregir su mordida y mejorar su respiración, Kragulj probó un dispositivo dental que, le aseguraron, ejercería presión sobre … Read more

Watch: Dental Device at Center of Lawsuits Was Used on Patients Without FDA Review

An unproven and unregulated dental device at the center of patient lawsuits has not been evaluated by the FDA, according to a months-long joint investigation by KHN and CBS News.  More than 10,000 dental patients have been fitted with an Anterior Growth Guidance Appliance, or AGGA, according to court records.  CBS News national correspondent Anna Werner … Read more

This Dental Device Was Sold to Fix Patients’ Jaws. Lawsuits Claim It Wrecked Their Teeth.

Boja Kragulj, an accomplished clarinetist who once performed with orchestras in New York, Philadelphia, and Jacksonville, Florida, has already lost four teeth. And she expects to lose at least a dozen more. Five years ago, seeking to correct her bite and improve her breathing, Kragulj tried a dental device that she was told would put … Read more

In Tennessee, a Medicaid Mix-Up Might Land You on a ‘Most Wanted’ List

Life was upended for LaShonia Ingram over the past year, and a shadow still follows her around. Search her name online, and the first result includes the words “fraud” and “most wanted.” “It was horrible. I couldn’t get a job,” said the 42-year-old mother from Memphis, Tennessee. “All doors were being closed in my face.” … Read more