9 Healthiest Soda Brands and Canned Carbonated Drinks

You probably never thought you’d hear “soda” and “healthy” in the same sentence, unless there was “not” sandwiched between. But there is such a thing as the healthiest sodas. But we’re not talking about a 12-oz Coca-Cola clocking 39g sugar. You can drop-kick that right out of your fridge, because the latest beverage revolution is … Read more

Best Plant-Based, Low-Carb Pasta Options

Breaking news: Pasta isn’t bad for you. Yes, it does get a bad reputation these days with evidence building on how harmful refined carbohydrates can potentially be for your health—but that’s not all pastas. Some can actually be good for you. Nowadays there are plenty of better-for-you options that pack a real nutritional punch compared … Read more