10 Exercises to Make the Best Upper-Body Workout of All Time

If you want to craft a supremely effective upper-body workout, you’ll need a combination of exercises that hit your chest, back, biceps, triceps, forearms, and shoulders. Carving out a big chest or sleeve-splitting arms requires constant stimulation so muscle tissues feel the pressure to grow.  Some of the best upper-body exercises to achieve this goal include equipment … Read more

I’m a Personal Trainer. This Is the Best 4-Week Weight-Loss Workout Plan

When most people start a weight-loss journey, they think they need to do cardio ad nauseam—start running and hit the elliptical. Others go the extreme and jump into absurd workout programs requiring tons of specialized equipment or instruction, only to give up weeks later because it’s not sustainable Don’t get us wrong, cardio and lifting weights are … Read more

10 Fast Bodyweight Workouts for Weight Loss

No time? No problem. These fast-paced bodyweight workouts will torch tons of calories and fat—and build muscle—in no time (and with minimal equipment). The key to making bodyweight training effective for weight loss? Focusing on compound movements rather than ones that isolate one muscle at a time. “All these movements are compound movements challenging your … Read more