Feds Move to Rein In Prior Authorization, a System That Harms and Frustrates Patients

When Paula Chestnut needed hip replacement surgery last year, a pre-operative X-ray found irregularities in her chest. As a smoker for 40 years, Chestnut was at high risk for lung cancer. A specialist in Los Angeles recommended the 67-year-old undergo an MRI, a high-resolution image that could help spot the disease. But her MRI appointment … Read more

Pacientes negros visten elegante y hablan distinto para evitar prejuicios cuando van al médico

Una joven madre de Antelope Valley, en California, baña a sus hijos y los viste con ropa impecable, asegurándose de que tengan el mejor aspecto posible en las citas médicas. “Les cepillo los dientes antes de ir al dentista. Son alguna de las cosas que hago para protegerme de un trato injusto”, explicó a investigadores. … Read more

Black Patients Dress Up and Modify Speech to Reduce Bias, California Survey Shows

A young mother in California’s Antelope Valley bathes her children and dresses them in neat clothes, making sure they look their very best — at medical appointments. “I brush their teeth before they see the dentist. Just little things like that to protect myself from being treated unfairly,” she told researchers. A 72-year-old in Los … Read more

Reentry Programs to Help Former Prisoners Obtain Health Care Are Often Underused

When Matthew Boyd was released from a Georgia state prison in December 2020, officials sent him home without medicines he uses to manage chronic heart and lung conditions and high blood pressure, he said. Less than a month later, he spent eight days in an intensive care unit, the first of more than 40 hospital … Read more