A Personal Trainer Reveals How Often You Should Train Your Abs for Muscle vs. Strength

Training frequency is a huge factor in how effective a workout routine will be. Most guys know that hitting each muscle group a minimum of twice per week is ideal for supporting muscle and strength gains. But it’s also true that certain muscles can handle—and often require—more volume to grow. Especially if you’re a seasoned … Read more

15 Best Exercises for Love Handles to Burn Belly and Back Fat Faster

The best exercises for men’s love handles aren’t as cut and dry as the best leg exercises, chest exercises, and shoulder exercises. When looking to burn fat, some areas of the body are tougher to crack than others. For men, that tends to be belly and back fat. If you really want to get rid of love handles, … Read more

50 Best Abs Exercises to Carve Your Core

For most people, a six-pack or tight core only comes when you’re in peak physical condition. Sure, most people can obtain a decent-looking physique by building muscle in their legs, glutes, chest, and arms, but nothing says dedication quite like well-defined ab muscles. And while you might be tempted to pump out a bunch of … Read more