Whey Protein: What It is and Why You Need It

When most people think about whey protein, they think about building muscle. Protein shakes at the gym. Meal replacement drinks in lieu of real food. The six-meal-and-three-snack-a-day bro who keeps a whey shake on his bedside table to maintain those 2 AM gains. The up-at-dawn-to-beat-rush-hour woman who drinks a shake in the car in lieu of … Read more

How to Gradually Reduce Carbs to Reach Ketosis

Sometimes folks who are interested in losing weight or getting healthier get so focused on the minutia of ”optimizing” their diet, supplements, exercise, and lifestyle that they gloss over the basics. This is a mistake. No matter your goal, you have to lay a good foundation before worrying about the finishing touches. When starting a … Read more